Introducing Episode 36 – Non-Violent Communication
Nonviolent Communication (also known as “NVC” or “compassionate communication”) is a set of conceptual tools and a general worldview that a number of anarchists have found useful and at times have adopted. Some have found it to be a how-to guide for living without hierarchy and domination, whereas others have found it to be a series of tips for approaching conflict in ways that are hopefully more productive.
NVC can be used as a way to do conflict resolution, which is what it is best known for, but it can also be used for meeting facilitation, counseling & therapy, and some would say for social change work itself.
The crux of NVC is developing one’s ability to make distinctions between objective observations vs. subjective interpretations, bodily-felt feelings vs. cognitive evaluations, and fundamental human needs vs. the infinite ways that needs can be met. The ultimate goal of NVC is for it’s practitioners to come to embody a way of being that the psychologist Carl Rogers said is most helpful in relationships: heartfelt authenticity, empathic understanding and unconditional positive regard. The idea is that through such qualities being present in a relationship, that relationship will eventually and inevitably become stronger, autonomy-respecting, collaborative and conducive to those involved realizing their own personal power. Anarchy, baby!
Join us September 15th as we talk about how NVC relates to anarchy, how it doesn’t, it’s potential for becoming an exciting new anarchist social of thought vs. just a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.
Some related readings
The Basics of Nonviolent Communication:
Key Assumptions and Intentions of Nonviolent Communication:
Compassionate Anarchism:
Can the Social Order Be Transformed through Personal Practice? The Case of Nonviolent Communication:
Person-centered Therapy:
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